Sept. 21, 2022

Wow it must be exciting to run a Pro Wrestling company! I hear that often and yes, sometimes it is, but probably not in the way most people think. Most of the so called 'excitement' comes from any of the many issues that arise behind the scenes. Believe me there are moments that I question why I do this. Why have I continued to do this all these years with no real gains? I have wanted to just walk away but I never seem able to do that.

Pro Wrestling was not my first choice in careers. I never had any plans to become part of it let alone be one of the show runners. Yet here I am, and proud of it.

When Eric and I came to Michigan it was due to the fact that he had many bookings out here and many people interested in training with him. We were also in need of a change of scenery and Michigan seemed to fit the bill. So in those infamous words, "We loaded up the truck and moved to Beverly",well, we loaded the truck several times over the 4th of July weekend in 2003.

Our first big event was almost our last. It was our first Headlock on Hunger event at the armory here and we counted on the word of other people to be true, big mistake. We were told there would be 300 people or more and we can move these tickets no problem. You know how that chestnut goes, yep you guessed it, they had waaay over promised. There was nowhere near what we needed in attendance to pay the bill and we had Meng on the show. Luckily, we had friends that helped us out monetarily, but I was in tears and ready to just say F#*k this and never run another show. But Eric wasn't about to give up, he saw something here in the crowd's reactions that I didn't.

Well almost 20 years later, I am glad that I didn't give up on this crazy endeavor. We have met so many incredible people with amazing stories on how UWE Pro Wrestling has helped/changed their lives. And I never imagined I'd be at the helm of this kooky ship sailing the unpredictable waters of Pro Wrestling, with a crew mad as hatters, but here I am. And, honestly, I wouldn't change it for the world. Now that's not to say that there haven't been other times that I have wanted to grab a lifeboat and abandon ship, "Women and children first!" style. Though it seems that the Pro Wrestling gods aren't done with me yet because every time I get Eric close to retiring and us just walking away from the show runner roles, a fan will enevitably share a moment that hits ya in the feelskees and,"Just When I Thought I Was Out, They Pull Me Back In!". But it's in those moments that you realize that this company is more than the sum of its parts, more than just wrestling to these people.

If I'm honest it is more than just wrestling for me as well. I have met people and had experiences that will never be matched. I have heard the stories of how what we do has touched people's lives and changed them. But I think many of them forget that there is another side to that particular coin. Yes what we do reached them in a deeply personal way but, their sharing these stories with us affected us as well. Eric and I are grateful to everyone who has supported us on this fantastic voyage and we hope to have many more years and stories to hear and tell. Thank you all for sharing your moments with us and giving powerful meaning to our life's work. Until next time! Good night. God Bless.