December 2 2022 Camera Kyle

Hi again wrestling fans! I hope everyone had a fun and filling Thanksgiving. Hopefully you all were able to spend quality time with loved ones and enjoy a good meal. I know I had a fun time with my family for a couple of days.

What did we ever do without instant access through the internet?

Thanksgiving when I was a little kid meant time with family, good food, and being super excited to find out what happened with the NWA event and the WWF before the E, Survivor Series event. As I got a little older, my Dad allowed me to call the hotlines to find out what happened. Not all the time but occasionally for the big events. Nowadays, the main companies don’t run shows on the big holidays. But they tend to run ‘em right before or after. Usually both. With streaming services and the internet in general, results can be found out immediately but it is fun to fondly look back on the days of having to wait to either call the hotlines or more often than not, wait for the following week’s tv shows to get results.

Now with Thanksgiving behind us all, Christmas isn’t far off. Before that happens, I’m looking forward to going back to POWW Entertainment this weekend for Rage Reaction in Fox Lake, IL. Max Holiday will be defending the POWW Heavyweight title vs. Rhyno! Check out POWW’s Facebook page to see the full lineup!

We can’t forget that on Saturday December 17 UWE will be back at the Wex in Cadillac, MI for Christmas Karnage! Check back with the UWE website as well as UWE’s Facebook page to get the lineup for the last event of the year for UWE! Don’t forget to bring an unwrapped toy or winter clothing item to help out the local community! UWE wants everyone to have a gift this Christmas! Which is normal for UWE doing community work and helping countless charities. Eric and Tracy are great leaders who set a good example for the entire crew of UWE Pro Wrestling.

Get your tickets now via the website & make sure you don’t miss out on a night sure to be filled with action, fun, and excitement! Have a great weekend!

Have a great week & I will catch y’all back here next week.

God Bless!

- Camera Kyle -