Aug 28 2023 Camera Kyle

Hello again wrestling fans! I hope everyone has been doing well since the last time we met.

“Victory happens when ten thousand hours of training meets one moment of opportunity.” – Unknown

What a night of UWE Pro Wrestling this past Saturday night at the National Guard Armory for NoBS aka No Bummer Summer! The crowd was 270 strong and loud!

The show respectfully began with a ten bell salute for the recent passings of Terry Funk and Windham Rotunda aka Bray Wyatt. Classy move by UWE! Quick personal comment here, Funk is an Icon in this sport and one of my all-time favorites. Bray Wyatt was my personal favorite modern day Superstar. I will personally miss both. Never knew them but the entertainment they provided me was second to none. Their unique minds for this business was main event level and beyond. My love and prayers to their families, friends, and fans. Onto the matches

Draven Michaels (debut) vs Trog. Michaels had a nice showing in his debut singles match but the power and experience of the Caveman prevailed in the end.

IPA (Meathooks O’Bannon and Kavan O’Reilley) vs. The Conflict Crew (Tommy Macabre and The Masked Marauder) with Mr. Christopher Headford. Marauder had his leg on the bottom ring rope when the pinfall was made. After the match, Headford and his crew were complaining of not truly being beaten. The IPA told the CC that all four guys can go one more time in just two weeks time at UWE Homecoming but this time, it will be in IPA’s very own specialty match of a PUB CRAWL match!!! IPA also informed the Crew and Mr. Christopher Headford to ensure no extra shenanigans in the match, Headford will also have to drink shots that night!! The Conflict Crew and Headford were livid at the announcement!

Nick Green vs. KT Rogers in Rogers’ debut singles match. Fantastic match with back and forth hard hitting and high flying action. Green punished Rogers at different points in the match but KT continued to kick out of the pins. KT Rogers wouldn’t stay down but neither would Nick Green when KT had the advantage. Both stars showed their heart and determination in this encounter. The fans ate it up. Ultimately Nick Green got the W in the match. After the match, Green and Rogers shook hands and hugged to show respect to each other after they left it all in the ring.

Jamie Race, UWE Heavyweight Champion in a rematch with his BMI tag partner and best friend of over 20 years, Mike Idol. Jamie Race was accompanied to the ring by his friend, Bruce Hopkins. The battle between The Bruiser and his Breathtaking best friend was a wrestling clinic. Wrestling moves and counter holds were plenty in this friendly competition for the richest prize in UWE Pro Wrestling. Idol and Race each had attempted roll up pins on one another, both stars using their opponents’ tights for the advantage! Race threw a fit when Idol did what had been done to him in their original match this past April. Jamie Race then did the unthinkable. He kicked Idol with a low blow right in front of referee Sarah, Mike’s wife! Sarah immediately called for the disqualification. Mike Idol won the match by DQ but Race would retain his UWE Heavyweight Championship because titles do not change hands on anything but pinfalls and submissions. Race was beating on Idol as Meathooks O’Bannon came to ringside with his Masters of the Universe briefcase he had won back in April. Hooks was cashing in! Back and forth in this big title fight. Race got knocked to the floor by Hooks and then, for the second time in the night, shocked and pissed off the fans by grabbing his UWE Heavyweight Championship and getting himself counted out. A second loss in one night for Race, this time with O’Bannon getting the victory but because Race PURPOSELY took a count out loss, Race remains the UWE Heavyweight Champion

Project Maxx, UWE Tag Team Champions (Max Morrison and Kyzyle) teamed with "The Frontman" J Skutt vs. The Revolution (Jimmy Blaze and Eric Freedom) with their TWO tag partners, the returning Yanni "GQ" Gianos, and "The War Machine" RHYNO in a 4 on 3 handicap match!! Yanni and Skutt battled on the ropes at one point, with Gianos hitting a huge superplex on Skutt from the top rope!! Lots of chaotic moments in this match as one would likely expect to see. Very cool to see the mix of younger talents in the ring with the grizzled veterans. The shenanigans and outright evilness of Project Maxx and The Frontman was on full display as Kyzyle hit Freedom in the head with his fork! Project Maxx and Skutt stole the victory from The Revolution, GQ, and Rhyno. As the heels ran away, Jimmy Blaze caught up with Kyzyle. Blaze laid into Kyzyle. Blaze threw Kyzyle back into the ring into the angry mob of Freedom, Gianos, and Rhyno. Kyzyle ate finishing moves from Freedom, Blaze, and GQ! Then RHYNO cut Kyzyle in two with a devastating GORE!!! Morrison and Skutt returned to ringside to drag away Kyzyle.

Eric Freedom and Jimmy Blaze informed Project Maxx in just two weeks at UWE Homecoming, Max Morrison will be forced to team with J Skutt again to face Blaze and Freedom and one other thing, the UWE Tag Team titles will be on the line!!! RHYNO let everyone in attendance know that no matter where, when, or the circumstances, he will ALWAYS have the backs of The Revolution and GQ!

What a night it was! If you missed it, you are probably now kicking yourself for doing so. But no worries, on Saturday September 9, UWE returns to the Armory in Cadillac, Michigan for HOMECOMING!! Get your tickets and see the fall out of No Bummer Summer! You won’t be sorry you did!

Tickets are available NOW at these local outlets:

  • Bieners Pizza
  • Wargames North
  • Out the Door Rent-to-Own
  • Thanks for joining me again and make sure to follow UWE Pro Wrestling on social media as well as right here on the website for all the latest news regarding our September 9th Homecoming event.

    Have yourselves a great week.

    Until Next Time, God Bless!

    - Camera Kyle -