For those of you who don’t know, I am a big nerd. Movies, comics, video games, pro wrestling (obviously) and yes even Dungeons and Dragons. I love it all. The spectacle, characters, stories, the creativity really draws me in. But out of all the things I have read, watch, played, by far my favorite character of all time is Batman. Batman is the greatest super hero of all time.

There are superheroes and super heroes. Batman happens to be both.

First of all Batman chose to be a hero. He wasn’t gifted powers or came from another planet whose sun makes you stronger and then you decide oh hey I am going to protect the innocent. Yes, Batman is better than Superman. Batman had a tragedy happen to him as a young child and from that moment on he decided to better himself so that he could protect people from having the same thing happen to them. Granted yes, he did have a whole lot of money to aid him in this endeavor, but the dude put in the work. He trained with the best fighters all over the country. Don’t remember Superman ever doing that. Joking aside, Superman is cool, he’s just not Batman.

Batman has the coolest rogues’ gallery. The rogue’s gallery is what they call the group of villains that he fights all the time; Joker, Riddler, Penguin, Killer Croc and so on. They are all so cool and different and challenge Batman in different ways. I will go in to more detail in a later post and even rank my top 10 favorites of all time. Of course we can’t forget about the gadgets, but more specifically The Batmobile. I am sorry, but no other hero has as cool of a car than The Batmobile. It is hands down the best ever, even the 1966 version with Adam West. If you were just a common thug and you saw The Batmobile rolling down the street, you stopped what you were doing and got the heck out of there!

So yeah in summary Batman is my favorite character and super hero ever. In future posts I will talk about some of my favorite Batman stories and from reading me talk about it, you may be you’ll feel inclined to read it for yourself. I will also rank all the actors that have portrayed Batman in movies and whatnot. Spoilers, George Clooney is last.